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Cultural Orientation Of Song Ci Poetry


    The study of literary phenomena from a cultural perspective is certain to increase knowledge concerning the development of human civilization. Idea pattern, value orientation, expressive manner, mental process and emotional response of human beings exist in poetry and thereby act as the cultural subjects. As the representative style of its age, the Song Ci Poetryreflected the cultural peculiarities and features of the Song Dynasty. The study of the Song Ci Poetry as it is positioned in and reflects the history of the Song Culture is the rationale and purpose of this paper. The first chapter is an introduction. A general understanding of the whole collection of Song Ci Poetry which has been derived from both the traditional and contemporary analysis of Song Ci Poetry is presented. The author points out a misguided approach by some scholars predisposed to Confucian Thinking which has dominated for a long time.The criteria for value judgement in the studies of Song Ci Poetry. In contrast this study must be placed upon both the cultural pattern of the common people and the cultural atmosphere of the Song Dynasty if an comprehensive and authentic evaluation of the Song Ci Poetry is to be carried out.

    In the second chapter the author begins his analysis by examining the influence on the life attitudes and value deviations of bureaucrats as well as common people resulting from the Emperor's inclination towards the new social trend to vulgarize the elite culture. A look at the compromising policy of the royal court and pleasure seeking tendencies of this age, together with the innovation in the royal music, directly contribute to the opening up of anew vista of the development and appreciation of the Song Ci Poetry. The tendency to popularize and Vulgarize the contemporary Cultural conception of Value thus defines and confirms for the so called new voice, poetry the aesthetic values of Vulgarized personification, unruliness and irregularity. In chapter three the author points out the two long standing contradictory literary and artistic values, ie,Restraining Desire by Morality and Breaking Morality by Desire .Due to the communication and fluctuation between the upper elite and the lower vernacular cultures,these emerged a convergence and integration of these two literary and artistic values, providing the Song Ci Poetry with a cultural role completely different from the function of traditional poetry and prose.

    In the fourth chapter commands a full view of the situation of women in the culture of the Song Dynasty. The author deems the proliferation of Delicate Lyrics to be a cultural representation of the evaluation of women's social status and the new concept of women on the part of the whole societybrought about by the upsurgence of the common culture. Two aspects found in the this culture account for the new concept. One is the affirmation attitude of the male world towards the humanistic value of the existence of women, reflecting in the admittance of the connection to their female companions in those lyrical songs written for the commemoration of a moaning over the fair sex. It is also seen in the compassion and humanistic understanding of womenkind in those lyrical songs written for prostitutes. The second is the women's own recognition of their individual values and consciousness of personal independence, confirmed mainly by the appearance of a group of women lyric composers.

    The fifth Chapter the author tries to carry out a new cultural illustration of the relationship between the individual and objects by analyzing the several commonly found themes. In the sixth chapter the author takes advantage of the poetic feature of Sushi's poetry and the long term misrepresentation of his words to analyze the phenomena of recovering the culture of the main stream and the gradual attenuation of the popular culture. The author also points out this influence upon the characteristics of the SongDynasty.

    In the concluding seventh chapter the author proceeds two aspects of Song Dynasty that influence the cultural history of the Chinese literature.First we can establish a system of poetic studies that inquires about the meaning of stylistic evolution. Secondly we can discern the approaching of cultural depth, the handing down the banner showing concern for humanity in those Yuan Dramas and novels in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

















目 录


第一章 绪论文化定位:宋词研究的新构想

第一节 传统词学系统说略

第二节 当代词学研究状况鸟瞰

第三节 宋词研究的盲点分析

第四节 宋词与宋型文化之关系

第五节 宋词的平民文化之特征

第二章 世俗的文化观念与新声的价值向度

第一节 古今风俗,悉从上之所好

第二节 京师士庶,迩来渐事奢侈

第三节 才子词人,自是白衣卿相

第三章 文学的价值转换与宋词的角色功能

第一节 两种文艺价值观的分流与调合

第二节 展示全新的人类感情世界

第三节 娱宾遣兴——宋词游戏功能的文化阐释

第四节 宋词的其他实用性角色功能

第四章 宋词与宋代女性景观的人文观照

第一节 女娲死了,嫦娥还活着

第二节 一阴一阳之谓道

第三节 宋代女性的人文觉醒与女性词

第五章 从习见题材看宋人对“存在”与“价值”的思考

第一节 羁旅行役——个体价值的失落与超越

第二节 节序寿诞——生活的节日与个体对于生命的关怀

第三节 咏物——对象化审美中的精神拯救

第六章 词的诗化——主流文化的悄然回归

第一节 关于苏轼“词似诗”的重新解读

第二节 位卑忧国与言志抒情的雄风重振

第三节 内向化审美与骚雅清空的价值选择

第七章 结论宋词对中国文学历史文化走向之影响

第一节 传统与定势——文体演变与词学系统的建立

第二节 主体情志表现的多维视角与文学本色

第三节 走向人文深度——文学,需要人性关怀


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